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Great Decisions: After Gaza: American Policy in the Middle East

Friday November 7, 2025
9:15 AM until 11:15 AM

The war in Gaza has brought the region to a crossroads. What are the possible outcomes of the war, and how might the United States use its influence to shape a long-term settlement that leaves both Israel and the Palestinians in a better position? How might Arab states in the wider region be brought into a settlement? What are America’s interests in the Middle East and how can it advance them?

We will meet in the Raytheon Room. To attend via Zoom, contact Steve Engler.

About Great Decisions: 

Prepare to discuss the world! Join our current events discussion group. Preparation involves reading an 8-page article from the Great Decisions Briefing Book. Our meetings consist of a 20 minute documentary film screening and lively, peer-facilitated discussion on the most critical global issues facing America today. 

Location: Raytheon Room
Click here to go to the Wayland Public Library calendar.

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