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Lecture: The Jewish Lower East Side with Dr. Ronald Brown

Thursday November 14, 2024
2:00 PM until 3:30 PM

It was called the Lower East Side because it was low, swampy, disease ridden, and insect infested. Only the poorest of the new immigrants lived there until they either died or had the means to get out. Poor Dutch and English, later Irish and Germans and finally in the late 1800s, Jews from Eastern Europe. They filled the neighborhood with synagogues, kosher restaurants and grocery stores, bakeries, street markets, garment factories, Yiddish language newspapers, and overcrowded tenements. The half-million Jews of the Lower East Side eventually moved to Harlem, Brooklyn and The Bronx but the memories of this once-vibrant Jewish neighborhood are preserved in books, Broadway shows, films and family histories. Presented by Dr. Ronald Brown.

Location: Community Room
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