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Drop-in Writing Workshop with Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick

Tuesday December 3, 2024
7:00 PM until 8:30 PM

Do you need advice on a cover letter, class assignment, personal essay, or piece of fiction?  Or do you want to write, but you're not sure where to start?  Come join our Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick for an informal workshop session.  Bring a selection of your writing (up to three pages) - or even just your ideas - to get real-time feedback and ideas to push your piece forward.  If time allows, we may also engage in an on-the-spot writing activity to generate new ideas.

Just come as no registration is required.  For questions, Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964.  We hope you might join us!

To learn more about the Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence Program and Calvin Hennick, visit miltonlibrary.org/about/writer-in-residence/

Location: Keys Community Room
Click here to go to the Milton Public Library calendar.

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This page last updated : EK/TK XB : 2024.09.15 - 10:00 PM
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