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Intro to Freelance Writing with Writer-in-Residence Calvin Hennick

Tuesday November 19, 2024
7:00 PM until 8:30 PM

If you've ever dreamed of earning money at home, typing away in your sweatpants, this is the session for you!

Calvin Hennick, our Writer-in-Residence, willl walk you through his 20-year freelance career and provide tips on how you can come up with compelling article ideas, approach editors, and build a roster of clients that keep coming to you for help with their projects.

Registration is required and this program is kindly sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is free and open to all. Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964. Please join us!

To learn more about the Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-in-Residence Program and Calvin Hennick, visit miltonlibrary.org/about/writer-in-residence/

Location: Keys Community Room
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