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Wonders of the CT Shoreline with Julianna Barret and Ralph Lewis

Friday January 17, 2025
11:30 AM until 12:30 PM

Connecticut's Sandy Shore

This talk will provide an introduction to the geology, ecology, plants and animals of Connecticut's shoreline and why Connecticut’s sandy beaches differ from many others along the Atlantic seaboard. This talk is based on the 130-page guide published in 2023 of the same name. In this presentation we will explore the dynamic Connecticut coast, its habitats and how the impacts of climate change are changing these habitats.

Presented by Juliana Barrett and Ralph Lewis

Juliana Barrett, PhD is the CT Sea Grant Coastal Habitat Specialist and UConn Extension Educator Emerita, University of Connecticut. She has a doctorate in plant ecology from the University of Connecticut and is a co-author of the Vegetation of Connecticut and several guides describing coastal habitats of Long Island Sound. Ralph Lewis is a Certified Professional Geologist with 48 years of experience. He was the State Geologist of Connecticut between 1997 and 2003. Ralph is a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineerin

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