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Bagels & Books for 5th Graders

Tuesday November 19, 2024
4:00 PM until 4:45 PM

Register once to sign up to attend the 5th grade book group all through the school year (no worries, it's ok to miss some meetings over the course of the year!).

Want to join a book group?  We’d love to have you – new members are welcome; however, book group membership is limited to children who are Harvard/Devens residents/HES students, in order to keep the book group sizes small.

Maximum group size per grade is 12 children.  

We will request for you a copy of the book we will be discussing.  We can get you a copy of the book in print format and/or in audiobook format (either on CD, Playaway, or in e-audio format)!  Once you have registered for this book group, Abby will reach out by email with more information about the group.

Book group members should read OR listen to at least half (but preferably all!) of the book prior to the group meeting.

Location: Story Room
Click here to go to the Harvard Public Library calendar.

[ Recipient's Email Address ] (You can enter up to 6 addresses separated by commas.)


This page last updated : EK/TK XB : 2024.09.15 - 10:00 PM
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