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Add this Event to Calendar 12/12/2024 09:00 AM 12/12/2024 08:00 PM Book in a Bag

Book in a Bag is like a subscription box. You sign up each month to get a teen book and some goodies, but the catch is that it's free! Because you're borrowing a library book for a month (but you get to keep the goodies!) The books and themes are picked by the Teen Librarian with help from the Teen Advisory Group. Book in a Bag pickup is always on a Thursday. Books may be picked up & checked out from the Circulation Desk (they'll be in a special bag!).

December's theme is "Disney". This month each bag will contain a different twisted Disney tale.

Program for grades 7-12, Registration Required.  Supplies limited. 


Contact: Courtney Trudeau 781.848.0405 x4415 [email protected]
Teen Room - lower level